About the Republic
The Restored Republic interim government is the lawful mechanism for the American People to join together to occupy the vacated seats of our de jure government. The specific guidelines of the Restored Republic interim government allow for growth and education followed by a period of transition back to Constitutional Governance. This will entail reseating each de jure State utilizing the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. Click Here for more information about how you can become involved.
Top States (Most Electors per Capita)
Montana free State
Wyoming free State
Colorado free State
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Current Status of America
Unlawful elections were held in several States which infringe upon the rights of Citizens of other states. Irreconcilable harm has been caused to the American People by the unlawful acts of the States in question. Congress has failed to act to resolve this harm. The American People have lost confidence in the current government's ability to govern lawfully and peacefully. It's past time to Implement the Northwest Ordinance to RESET America.
Click Here for more information about how you can become involved.
How Do We Reset America?
Our immediate goal is for a majority of states to have 30,000 people signed up to support their Restored Republic. Then lawful elections will be held to fill the vacancies left behind by the Corporation. Our goal: To rebuild our Republic in the image that our Founding Fathers first established.
Click Here for more information about how you can become involved.
How Can You Help?
Every American must comprehend that the pathway back to restoration of America is their involvement and support of their Republic interim government. According to the Northwest Ordnance every state must have 30,000 people represented by each state Republic. Your first step to supporting your Republic is to sign up for our free email list. That one act indicates that you accept the Republic as your lawful government.
Click Here for more information about how you can become involved.
The United States de jure government (the Republic) and its subordinate corporate UNITED STATES operated side by side up until the civil war era, each performing their designated constitutional functions delegated by the American People. Through a series of unlawful actions over many decades, our Republic was abandoned and the corporate UNITED STATES was allowed to dominate in its stead. In addition to that, State Citizens were transitioned to residents with their unalienable rights being replaced with privileges though the use of contracts. In the early 2000’s, hard-working patriots realized that there was a lawful way to restore our Republic.
In 2010 the American People elected statesmen and delegates from the free States in union gathered to establish an interim government as the 1st Congressional Assembly for the Republic of the United States of America. This gathering effectively established the first functional de jure interim government since the 1870s when the American Republic was vacated.
They then convened the first lawful de jure Republic Congress with a quorum of members of Congress who were not civil officers. This lawfully convened Republic Continental Congress lawfully reclaimed the American Republic on behalf of the American People. So, since November of 2010, the Republic for the United States of America has been the only lawful de jure government in America, however ONLY in a provisional (interim) capacity. In short, the American People have taken the necessary steps to lawfully re-inhabit our republican form of governance. We will remain interim and parallel with the de facto Corporate UNITED STATES until the majority of Americans want their representative American Republic back (see the Executive Summary for details.)